Transition Year

Easter Newsletter

Ty newsletter 1


Transition Year is an invaluable optional year available to students before entering Senior Cycle. Our T.Y. is tailor made to suit the needs of the students in promoting their personal, social, spiritual, educational and vocational development. We currently run 3 T.Y. classes due to the increased demand.

Our Whole School Evaluation report commented as follows on the T.Y. Programme “The T.Y. programme is well established and a significant number of students opt for the programme on an annual basis. It offers variety in terms of the breadth and balance of the subjects studied. Key to the success of the programme is the dedication and commitment of the teachers to the ethos of the T.Y. The programme makes optimum use of individual teachers’ skills, knowledge and interest”.


Religious Education, Irish, English, Maths

French/ German, Students sample Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Vocational Preparation, Physical Education

Modules offered vary from year to year and may include:

Social Education, History, Enterprise, Music,Geography, Careers, Cookery, Photography, Woodwork, Computers, Art, Business Studies,

Choral singing, Social Dancing, Sport, Public Speaking/Toast Masters, ECDL.

In addition the students are involved in all aspects of drama, field trips, tours, retreats, work experience, operating a business (mini-company), interviews, and a variety of workshops.


The Gortnor Abbey Transition Year Curriculum has been developed in accordance with The Transition Year Programme Guidelines for Schools (Dept.of Education & Skills).

The curriculum content and methodologies have been selected and adapted collaboratively by each subject department to suit the abilities and needs of the particular students.